Volume 75, Supplement 1, December 2024
Current issue
Master Theses
Localization of subarachnoidal hemorrhage and outcome: a retrospective, single center analysis
Diagnostic and therapeutic value of magnetic resonance imaging in children. A single-center retrospective cohort study
Efficacy of a standardized postoperative analgesic protocol in obese patients compared to nonobese and overweight patients: a prospective observational cohort study using visual analogue scale and surgical pleth index
Incidence of chronic postsurgical pain in high risk patients. A prospective observational study and statistical analysis of risk factors
The effect of dobutamine on hepatic blood flow during goal-directed therapy: preliminary results
Foot Drop as a complication of critical illness: a retrospective analysis
Relationships between cardiac biomarkers and heart function in aortic stenosis patients scheduled for surgical aortic valve replacement
Acetaminophen protein adduct concentrations during therapeutic dosing in patients with class II-III obesity compared to non-obese and overweight patients: a prospective observational gender stratified cohort study
Duration and depth of anaesthesia after administration of a single dose of etomidate combined with remifentanil in healthy patients: a survey and a randomised controlled double-blind pilot study
The effect of remifentanil and sufentanil in TCI mode on airway pressures during laparascopic gastric banding procedures in patients with adiposity based chronic disease
Primary prevention of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A narrative review
Pharmacokinetics of Acetaminophen in patients with obesity compared to non-obese and overweight patients: a prospective observational cohort study
Anesthetic considerations for the parturient with neurofibromatosis type 1
Non-intubated video-assisted thoracoscopy : a narrative review
Locoregional anesthesia in Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) for reconstructive breast surgery: A narrative review
Total intravenous anesthesia for the pediatric patient: a narrative review
Procedural sedation in the elderly: a narrative review
Safe anesthesia practice in patients with lipin-1 deficiency: a case report and narrative review
Insights into haemorrhagic shock: A narrative review of pathophysiology and vasopressor options
The use of epidural waveform analysis in the perioperative care and obstetrics: a narrative review