Original studies

  • Belgian anesthesiologists’ overconfidence in their perceived understanding of neuromuscular blockade management

    J.R. Renew, R. Nemes, G. Cammu, M. Van de Velde, S.J. Brull, M. Naguib

    Abstract | PDF

  • Intraoperative cuff pressure measurements of supraglottic airway devices in the operating theatre : a prospective audit

    J. Lee, K.H. Wyssusek, H. Reynolds, M. Khatun, A.A.J. van Zundert

    Abstract | PDF

  • The spread of the ultrasound-guided injectate after a lumbar and thoracic erector spinae plane block. A cadaveric study

    M.B. Breebaart, D van Aken, L. Jong, J. Michielsen, B. Versyck, L. Nassauw

    Abstract | PDF

  • Malignant hyperthermia related DNA analysis (RYR1 gene) in Belgian families

    L. Heytens, M. Dos Santos Silva, J. De Puydt, K. Heytens, W. De Ridder, J. Baets, G. Mortier

    Abstract | PDF