Role of Peripheral Nerve Blocks in the Preoperative Pain Management of Hip Fractures in the Elderly: a narrative review
B. Dönmez, D. Vanhonacker, R. Lammens, J. Bhutia
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Norepinephrine versus phenylephrine for post-spinal hypotension during caesarean section
S. Claes, S. Rex, M. Van de Velde
Abstract | PDF
Update on the perioperative management of obstructive sleep apnea adult patients: a narrative review
K. Raven, M. Azongmo, V. Bonhomme
Abstract | PDF
Postoperative respiratory complications (PORC) in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) undergoing tonsillectomy: a narrative review
A. Groenendijk, V. Saldien
Abstract | PDF